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Social Commitment

Gender Equality

We are a company that promotes gender equality in all areas. We are proud to have the leadership and participation of women in senior management positions, and encourage their contribution in planning and decision-making at all levels of our company.

Under no circumstances is a professional discriminated against or limited in their full development due to their sexual preference, race or gender.

Our company maintains a firm commitment to creating a positive impact on people, and developing sustainable and fair environments for all.

In this sense, our company has established a Social Management Program focused on improving the living conditions of the communities in our concession area.

Gender initiatives: One of the activities we developed to promote SDG 5 was our collaboration with Plan International Dominican Republic, within the framework of its “Connected and Safe” campaign, where we organized the visit of a group of girls from the province La Altagracia, so that they would take “symbolic” control of the general management of our plant. There they had the opportunity to learn first-hand about how a company works and how to make decisions in simulated crisis situations.

The tour was completed with the accompaniment of some collaborators who shared with these young women their careers in technical positions in the company, from areas such as chemical engineering and electromechanics, to inspire and motivate them to get to know a sector with a traditional female minority presence.

At CEPM, we value the different talents and abilities of our professionals, regardless of their gender, for the development and execution of our business activities, both internally and externally: management, technical and operational work, institutional representation, among others.