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Smart Cities

Smart Public Lighting

Today, most public lighting is still reliant on outdated technology based on traditional light sources. One of the main goals of a Smart City is to save energy by replacing the current public lighting infrastructure with innovative LED solutions and cutting-edge technologies that save money, make public spaces safer, and improve quality of life for residents.

InterEnergy provides Smart Lighting solutions that are tailored to the individual needs of each city and municipality, offering efficient, remote-controlled LED public lighting with unique features such as adaptive illumination. We offer public administrations the opportunity to transform their lighting infrastructure into a valuable asset in order to make urban areas more accessible and to ensure that the city itself is safer, more modern, more efficient and more attractive.

The lighting of the main roads, highways, avenues and streets all are controlled remotely by software, with algorithms that monitor the number of lit lamps, operating time and possible breakdowns. Smart Lighting optimizes rational use in months of the year where nights are longer or shorter.

The future of city lightning
At InterEnergy, we are facilitating the installation of new LED street lighting which has been designed to offer the greatest possible energy and financial savings. Our main objective with this product is to improve the sustainability of lighting in shared spaces by outperforming market standards.

Control anytime
Local authorities have access to the app or virtual office to validate energy consumption for the service provided to the communities. This system is linked to the servers to have daily, monthly and annual consumption statistics. In this way we can schedule maintenance when one or more lamps fail, since we can know the average power of the public lighting being serviced.