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Energas turns 300 MW into natural gas in the Dominican Republic

November 6, 2020

November, 2020

Energas executed the official ignition of the three 300 MW electric generation units of the San Pedro de Macoris Electricity Company (CESPM) converted to natural gas. From now on, this company will be commercially known as Energas.

This achievement combines both economic and environmental benefits; by saving the country more than US$1,000 million in the next ten years by dispensing with oil derivatives for energy production; and reducing the carbon footprint through clean fuel electricity generation.

The transformation will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 460,000 metric tons per year and greenhouse gases by more than 1,050 tons per year, translating into a 60% reduction in the company’s environmental footprint. All of this will significantly support the country’s commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The event held on 29th October brought together Dominican government authorities and prominent business personalities.

As part of this commitment, Rolando González Bunster, president of the Board of Directors of Energas, announced that the company would begin constructing a fourth-generation unit to strengthen the energy supply.

“This conviction guides us in the constant search of new investment projects that favor the state of development of the markets where we operate while sharing our vision to generate reliable, affordable, and increasingly clean energy,” said Rolando Gonzalez Bunster.