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Efficient and energy saving systems and software

Quatro Systems

Quatro Systems is an integral platform that can be installed locally or in the cloud and allows for the centralization of all the data coming from the Intelligent Measurement Systems. Likewise, thanks to its intelligence and information management, it allows creating valuable applications, interaction with the end user and integration with other existing systems in the distribution company such as SCADA, commercial system, among others.

Software Management Suite – Modules

  • USSD
  • MDM
  • APP

All of these projects fall under the 9MW level and benefit from Chile’s PMGD regime which grants beneficial connection arrangements to the distribution system and the option to choose different energy price mechanisms. The main advantage of PMGD projects is that they have priority of dispatch to the network over non-PMGD generators.


  • Provides an interface from where multiple can be operated facilities no matter the distance among them.
  • The fixed costs of supervision in field, time and risk are reduced to through easy integration with all plant devices.
  • worker safety and equipment life is increased through predefined processes managed by the system.
  • It is scalable and flexible for integration of additional equipment after start-up.
  • The centralized alarm module reduce response time against an eventuality.

Main features

  • Automatic cut-off and reconnection of postpaid customers.
  • Postpaid meter reading lack alert.
  • Command alerts without postpaid response.
  • Function (VEE) Validation, Edition and Estimation of data.
  • The centralized alarm module reduce response time against an eventuality.
  • Interactive cartographic module.
  • Integration API with commercial system.

Prepaid meter management system

  • Automatic prepaid cuts and reconnections.
  • Alerts of lack of reading of prepaid meters.
  • Command alerts without responses from prepaid meters.
  • Notifications of energy balance to prepaid customers.
  • Low balance notifications.
  • Push notifications and / or email.
  • Power loan (optional).