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Grupo Energético Gas Panamá

The Generadora Gatun plant of Group Energy Gas Panama, owned by InterEnergy Group (51%) and AES Panama (49%), is an electricity generation project located on Isla Telfers, province of Colón, which will use natural gas as a fuel source and will have an installed generation capacity of 670 MW. The plant will be made up of two gas turbines and one steam turbine, as well as all the auxiliary systems.

The realization of this project represents a direct investment of one billion dollars, which will promote the economic and social reactivation of Panama and especially of the Colon province. In its construction phase, this project will generate more than 3,000 direct and indirect jobs, promoting recovery and inclusive development.

Natural gas is one of the leading energy sources in the world, which is driving the energy transition and reducing energy costs, allowing the safe incorporation of non-conventional renewable energies into the energy matrix.

Group Energy Gas Panama will strengthen the country’s energy matrix with more competitive, reliable and environmentally friendly energy.