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CEPM announces its progress to net zero emissions, focusing on Saona Island and electric mobility

January 4, 2023

  • CEPM advances to reach the goal of zero emissions within a decade, under the CEPM Zero Program, with the development of the FV3 and FV4 solar parks in Bávaro, and the electrification of Saona Island through the use of renewable energy.
  • As part of CEPM’s concession area, the first electric charging station hub in the Caribbean is currently being developed in Bávaro, which will allow the simultaneous charge of 28 electric vehicles.

Madrid, January 17, 2023. Reaffirming its commitment to zero net emissions, CEPM presented at Fitur the progress of its decarbonization process, which will contribute to turning its concession area into a world-class 100% green destination. The area includes Punta Cana, Bávaro, Macao, Cabeza de Toro, Uvero Alto, Miches, Bayahibe and La Romana, all situated in the country´s eastern region.

One of the first steps taken in this regard has been the expansion of the FV3 and FV4 photovoltaic parks, with a nominal power base of 100 MW, both located in Bávaro. This corresponds to the initial phase of the CEPM Zero Program, announced in 2022 at Fitur, and which meets its commitment to become one of the first electric companies in the world to reach zero emissions within a decade, thanks to the generation of energy from renewable sources such as wind, solar, pumped hydro and green hydrogen, through cutting-edge storage technology.

With these goals on its agenda, CEPM also began the development of projects carried out by hotel clients, such as the installation of a photovoltaic park to supply more than 7,000 rooms with renewable energy, with a capacity of 10MW.

“In our 30-year history, CEPM has become an ally of the sustainable development goals of the country´s eastern region, the key national tourism destination, and we maintain a firm commitment to decarbonizing our operations so that the energy source that feeds our customers be continuously cleaner. This is an investment that exceeds [an investment] of more than one billion dollars and hopes to continue contributing to the growth and constant expansion of this tourism region in the coming years,” stated Rolando González Bunster.

Another great advance highlighted during the keynote presentation was the electrification project in Saona Island, and carried out through the development of a photovoltaic generation park that has a storage capacity of 5 MWh. The project not only allows the island´s 600 inhabitants, but also its tourist concessions and businesses which receives more than 1 million of tourists a year, to have continuous power for the first time in its history, and from a renewable energy source that is connected to a smart grid. This system has turned the Dominican Republic into the first and only country in the Hemisphere that is operated with 100% renewable energy, 24/7.

The First Charging Station Hub in the Caribbean 

With the goal of promoting more sustainable mobility and boosting the development of the country´s eastern region as the first smart, zero-emission, tourism destination, González Bunster also presented the ambitious plans Evergo has been working on. Evergo is the widest and most sophisticated network of charging stations for electric vehicles in the region which, together with CEPM, is a member of the InterEnergy Group portfolio of companies. The company executive revealed for the first time that the company is currently developing the first electric charging station hub in the Caribbean, in Bávaro. The project will allow the simultaneous charging of a total of 28 vehicles with level 3 chargers.

One of the project’s most important features is that it will be powered with 100% renewable energy, as part of the CEPM concession area. In addition, the space will include a work area with four comfortable private spaces, recreation areas, ATMs, mini-markets and cafeterias, among many other amenities.

Through these projects, CEPM unfolds its vision of contributing to the creation of intelligent and sustainable communities in the tourism regions where it operates. The company is now expanding to the Miches area, on the country´s northeast section, where it is playing a key role as an ally of sustainability through the work it is carrying out, hand-in-hand, with local actors.

With these and other initiatives, that will be launched this year, CEPM Zero goes from being a commitment to a concrete action plan based on the solid steps that it has taken, and which will set milestones both for the company´s history and the country, thus becoming one of the first zero emission and 100% renewable electricity companies in the world