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Energy Production / Solar

In 2017, InterEnergy agreed to acquire a portfolio of 12 solar PV projects with an installed nominal capacity of 45MW from one of Latin America’s largest renewable energy plant developers. Between early 2018 and early 2019, InterEnergy closed the transfer of all 12 projects.

All of these projects fall under the 9MW level and benefit from Chile’s PMGD regime which grants beneficial connection arrangements to the distribution system and the option to choose different energy price mechanisms. The main advantage of PMGD projects is that they have priority of dispatch to the network over non-PMGD generators.


  • Generation: Solar

  • Start of operation: 2017

  • Installed capacity: 45 MW

  • Location: Office’s address: Kennedy 4700, Of. 901. Patio Kennedy Building, Vitacura, Santiago 7630454, Chile